It is with sincere pleasure we would like to welcome our new SEDCC Chairman of the Board Ricardo Rodriguez. Ricardo’s talent, skills, and experience are impressive, and we are happy to have him as Board Chairman of the Southeast Dallas Chamber of Commerce.

St. Thomas, USVI

In lieu of flowers.. Donate to the Bettie Garrett Scholarship Fund

The Southeast Dallas Chamber of Commerce is preparing for their 35th Annual Awards Banquet

SEDCC joined District 2 in Ribbon Cutting of new 7-Eleven store ate Maple and Mockingbird

Thank you for those who were able to join us for the ribbon-cutting at Inwood National Bank. It was a great day for Southeast Dallas.

Welcome New Member

You can view our D5 forum video from this blog or via our youtube account

The Southeast Dallas Chamber of Commerce (SEDCC) is proud to announce this year's scholarship application is open! Apply by May 10, 2021

Sites may close early if daily testing limits have been met. In addition to the drive-thru testing sites, several locations across the city of Dallas are offering testing as well as mobile and walk-up testing options.

Alaska, Florida, Louisiana, New Jersey, and Texas Receive First Shipments of Test Used in NBA Bubble

Bottom line? Because of your generosity and support and the leadership of our Presenting Sponsor Dal-Tile / Mohawk Industries, we will invest over $35,000 in the Pleasant Grove / Southeast Dallas communities! That’s just incredible – we are blessed! THANK YOU!!!