If you know a resident who may need a ride to a warming station, email [email protected]. Persons experiencing a medical emergency need to call 9-1-1.
Winter Weather Update
Dallas is facing a near record-setting deep freeze, and in the spirit of One Dallas, resources are available at for residents to help themselves and each other. Please consider making a financial donation before a physical one in order to stay on guard in the fight against COVID-19. Please check on your neighbors, while wearing a mask, to make sure they are okay.
Weather Updates
The National Weather Service – Fort Worth Office has the latest on the winter storm. Please visit their webpage and Twitter pages for updates before venturing outside.
Roadway Updates
TxDOT’s Drive Texas map is a color-coded map that shows the conditions of major roadways. Bookmark it and view it before driving anywhere. We strongly suggest people stay off the roads if they can.
Pet Safety
A reminder to residents of Dallas: if you have a pet, please limit the time they are outside during these colder temperatures. If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for your pet! If you see a pet outside for a prolonged period of time without access to adequate shelter or fresh (not frozen) water when the actual or perceived temperature is below 32 degrees, please call 311 to report it or make a service request online through the OurDallas mobile app or at Dallas Animal Services is responding to priority calls as quickly as possible but with the increased amount of calls and the weather conditions, response times may be longer than normal.
Grocery Pickup and Delivery Service for Paratransit Riders
We know that it is important for our customers to stay at home as much as possible during this time. DART paratransit customers can now take advantage of a special grocery pickup and delivery service that is available until further notice. DART Paratransit drivers will pick up groceries from the store and deliver directly to the customer. There is no charge for this service, but customers must have placed their orders directly with the grocery store and provide DART with the pickup ID information. Customers interested in signing up, or learning more about the service, can call one of the DART Mobility Ambassadors at 214-828-8588, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Vaccine Update
Operations are subject to weather conditions. Please remind worried residents that CDC guidelines state persons have up to 42 days to receive their second dose. Once operations resume safely, persons due their second dose will be prioritized.
Resident Questions
COVID-19 Dashboard
The Office of Data Analytics and Business Intelligence (DBI) launched a bilingual COVID-19 vaccine distribution dashboard for the City of Dallas on February 2.
Emergency Update from Oncor *** ACTUALIZACIÓN DE EMERGENCIA DE ONCOR. ONCOR: EMERGENCY UPDATE (espanol al final)
The Texas power system is currently facing an unprecedented shortfall of electric generation. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has requested Oncor and utilities across the state to implement controlled power outages to reduce high demand and protect the integrity of the electric grid.
The length of these controlled outages have been significantly extended due to the current emergency grid conditions and severe cold weather. These outages are taking place across the service territory and ERCOT has said they could be required through Tuesday. We are asking all Oncor customers to be prepared to be without power for an extended period of time.
In addition, we are responding to separate outages caused by the record-breaking winter storm that continues to impact our entire service territory. Oncor phone lines and reporting systems are experiencing a record influx of inquiries as a result of these two events, which may prevent customers from getting into contact with one of our agents.
Customers do not need to report their outages at this time. Our crews continue to make repairs from the storm so that when electric generation is available it can be delivered. We urge any customer who is experiencing a life threatening or emergency event to please call 911.
We are doing everything possible to respond to each of these power emergency events. We remain in close coordination with ERCOT and we appreciate everyone’s patience as we protect the integrity of the Texas grid.
Q: Why is my power out?
There are two major issues affecting many of customers right now: winter storm outages and controlled power outages directed by ERCOT, which serve to reduce high demand and protect the integrity of the electric grid. Due to the fast moving nature of these two power emergency events, we are not currently able to break down the difference in outages on our Oncor Outage Map.
Q: When will my power be restored?
Given the unique combination of lack of generation and historic winter storm damage, estimated restoration times are not yet known. For outages related to the winter storm, our crews continue working around the clock to restore power. However, continued winter impacts such as extreme cold, treacherous road conditions and ice buildup is impacting progress.
Controlled outages related to grid supply and demand have been significantly extended due to the current emergency grid conditions and severe cold weather. In order to preserve the reliability of the grid, ERCOT has said that additional generation will be needed before power can be restored.
These outages are taking place across the service territory and ERCOT has said they could be required through Tuesday. We are asking all Oncor customers to be prepared to be without power for an extended period of time.
Q: Why are some homes out for hours and others for minutes or not at all?
Again, there are two major issues affecting many of customers right now: winter storm outages and controlled power outages directed by ERCOT. We are using all designated power lines for controlled outages so that hospitals and other critical infrastructure remains intact and system stability is preserved. This means that customers near critical facilities, or those in limited areas where rolling outages won’t take place in order to maintain grid stability, may not experience outages, while those farther from these facilities or areas may be out multiple times or for longer instances.
Additionally, during instances of substantial generation drop, there are safeguards built into the system that drop power loads automatically in order to prevent cascading widespread outages, or ultimately a blackout. These are designed to be shorter term drops that are reset quicker than controlled outages to prepare for the next response opportunity.
Q: When will power generation plants come back on-line?
Due to the severe winter storm, we do not know and it is outside of our control. Conditions for power generation continue to be very serious and the combination of winter weather and reduced generation is unprecedented in the state of Texas. We are prepared for emergency operations to continue for at least several days.
El sistema eléctrico de Texas se enfrenta actualmente a un déficit de generación eléctrica sin precedentes. El Consejo de Confiabilidad Eléctrica de Texas (ERCOT) ha solicitado a Oncor y a las empresas de servicios públicos de todo el estado que implementen cortes de energía controlados para reducir la alta demanda y proteger la integridad de la red eléctrica.
La duración de estos cortes controlados se ha extendido significativamente debido a las condiciones actuales de la red de emergencia y al clima frío severo. Estas interrupciones se están produciendo en todo el territorio del servicio y ERCOT ha dicho que podrían ser necesarias hasta el martes. Pedimos a todos los clientes de Oncor que estén preparados para estar sin electricidad durante un período de tiempo prolongado.
Además, estamos respondiendo a cortes separados causados por la tormenta invernal sin precedentes que continúa afectando todo nuestro territorio de servicio. Las líneas telefónicas y los sistemas de informes de Oncor están experimentando una afluencia récord de consultas como resultado de estos dos eventos, lo que puede impedir que los clientes se pongan en contacto con uno de nuestros agentes.
Los clientes no necesitan informar sus interrupciones en este momento. Nuestras cuadrillas continúan haciendo reparaciones de la tormenta para que cuando la generación eléctrica esté disponible se pueda entregar. Instamos a cualquier cliente que esté experimentando un evento de emergencia o que amenaza su vida a que llame al 911.
Estamos haciendo todo lo posible para responder a cada uno de estos eventos de emergencia de energía. Seguimos en estrecha coordinación con ERCOT y agradecemos la paciencia de todos mientras protegemos la integridad de la red de Texas.
Preguntas frecuentes
P: ¿Por qué no tengo luz?
Hay dos problemas principales que afectan a muchos de los clientes en este momento: cortes de tormenta de invierno y cortes de energía controlados dirigidos por ERCOT, que sirven para reducir la alta demanda y proteger la integridad de la red eléctrica. Debido a la naturaleza de rápido movimiento de estos dos eventos de emergencia de energía, actualmente no podemos desglosar la diferencia en cortes en nuestro Mapa de cortes de Oncor.
P: ¿Cuándo se restaurará mi energía?
Dada la combinación única de falta de generación y daños históricos por tormentas de invierno, aún no se conocen los tiempos estimados de restauración. Para los cortes relacionados con la tormenta invernal, nuestros equipos continúan trabajando las 24 horas del día para restablecer la energía. Sin embargo, los continuos impactos del invierno como el frío extremo, las traicioneras condiciones de las carreteras y la acumulación de hielo están afectando el progreso.
Los cortes controlados relacionados con el suministro y la demanda de la red se han extendido significativamente debido a las condiciones actuales de emergencia de la red y al clima frío severo. Para preservar la confiabilidad de la red, ERCOT ha dicho que se necesitará generación adicional antes de que se pueda restaurar la energía.
Estas interrupciones se están produciendo en todo el territorio del servicio y ERCOT ha dicho que podrían ser necesarias hasta el martes. Pedimos a todos los clientes de Oncor que estén preparados para estar sin electricidad durante un período de tiempo prolongado.
P: ¿Por qué algunas casas están fuera durante horas y otras durante minutos o no lo hacen?
Nuevamente, hay dos problemas principales que afectan a muchos de los clientes en este momento: cortes de tormenta de invierno y cortes de energía controlados dirigidos por ERCOT. Estamos usando todas las líneas eléctricas designadas para cortes controlados, de modo que los hospitales y otra infraestructura crítica permanezcan intactos y se preserve la estabilidad del sistema. Esto significa que los clientes cerca de instalaciones críticas, o aquellos en áreas limitadas donde no se producirán interrupciones continuas para mantener la estabilidad de la red, pueden no experimentar interrupciones, mientras que aquellos que se encuentran más lejos de estas instalaciones o áreas pueden estar fuera varias veces o por instancias más largas. .
Además, durante los casos de caída sustancial de la generación, hay medidas de seguridad integradas en el sistema que reducen las cargas de energía automáticamente para evitar cortes generalizados en cascada o, en última instancia, un apagón. Estos están diseñados para ser caídas a corto plazo que se restablecen más rápido que las interrupciones controladas para prepararse para la próxima oportunidad de respuesta.
P: ¿Cuándo volverán a estar en línea las plantas de generación de energía?
Debido a la severa tormenta invernal, no lo sabemos y está fuera de nuestro control. Las condiciones para la generación de energía continúan siendo muy serias y la combinación de clima invernal y generación reducida no tiene precedentes en el estado de Texas. Estamos preparados para que las operaciones de emergencia continúen durante al menos varios días.
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